Thursday, August 19, 2010


y TQ?showing my beloved aunty 4 hr hrd wurk+effort completing my stuf.tq Mak Inah:). blik je SSF shoping beads..trus buat..i loike.

1)tis is bunga wts d THEME color again?..hee

2)i adore tis 1.tis is 4 hntrn.i oways 4gt to imagine d my imaginery wd b a mere PURPLE witout hs to b leaves tho..try adapting my imaginary deco w reality..wink2

3)tis is d hnd bouquet.i chose d color.instead of RED, i chose soft colors. tis 1 nd some amendmnt.wl find anothr bouquet in..myb RED..i luv red.jst wna b dfrnt.
dts All for finished deco.some left @kb.n tis is taken lst fw months(eh cptnye siap tis stuff..)..hu2..wl do sum hunting tis wikend or rye break..
(Allah, pls mk it smooth..Amin)